Thought Leadership

August 1, 2014

Re-Engineering Your Overhead Ratios: The Conclusion

As a reminder to readers, last month I promised that in the August column I would be writing in rhyme à la Dr. Seuss since I live my life following the basic storyline of the creation of this man (by the way, my favorite is If I Ran the Zoo). So, we are going Seussical! I’ll call this column Horatio Sees Ratio. Horatio sees a ratio. He sees ratios high and low. But before reading my last two columns, Horatio didn’t know a ratio from radicchio. Click here to read more Re-engineering Your Overhead Ratios – The Conclusion-August 2014- Finance 101-The Director
July 31, 2014

Why we need to Manage Our Human Resources

…funeral home  owners are not respecting the largest expense in their operation. I have found that more time is spent maintaining the $50,000 hearse than the $300,000 staff!   Click here to read more Why We Need to Manage Our Human Resources – The Director August 2014  
July 31, 2014

Salary or Draw? How to Pay Yourself as a Business Owner

Congratulations! Your small business has finally become profitable and now you can afford to pay yourself. You may have worked for free in the early days and now it’s time to pay  yourself for your efforts. Accounting Newsletter August 2014
July 7, 2014

Re-Engineering Your Overhead Ratios Part 2: The costs of doing business.

If I were Shakespearean, I’d have a soliloquy that began, “Ratio, Ratio, wherefore art thou, Ratio?” As I shared last month, I find ratios simply wonderful. In June, we covered operating ratios and those demonstrating revenue trends. This month, we’ll focus on the costs of doing business. Click here to read more of this article Re-engineering Your Overhead Ratios – Part 2-July 2014- Finance 101-The Director
June 25, 2014

The Foresight Companies Accounting Newsletter – July 2014

Time for Your 6 Month Budget Review      If the year is producing more revenue than budgeted, this is not the time to spend more money, but you can go into the closet and giggle a bit! Accounting Newsletter July 2014
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