July 7, 2014
If I were Shakespearean, I’d have a soliloquy that began, “Ratio, Ratio, wherefore art thou, Ratio?” As I shared last month, I find ratios simply wonderful. In June, we covered operating ratios and those demonstrating revenue trends. This month, we’ll focus on the costs of doing business. Click here to read more of this article Re-engineering Your Overhead Ratios – Part 2-July 2014- Finance 101-The Director
June 25, 2014
Time for Your 6 Month Budget Review If the year is producing more revenue than budgeted, this is not the time to spend more money, but you can go into the closet and giggle a bit! Accounting Newsletter July 2014
June 24, 2014
In order for there to be an innovative solution, there has to be a problem. In order to be innovative, the idea must be new and creative. I would venture to add that any idea that the death-care profession is going to implement – especially when it pertains to consumers – must be simple and logical. Pricing Impressive Innovative Solutions – June 2014 AFD
June 24, 2014
If I asked you to write a story about a funeral home or cemetery in the year 2114 what would the story be? The Cemetery of the Future June 2014 CEM
June 24, 2014
Nothing is sexier to a finance geek than ratio analysis – the relationship of numbers to other numbers. If you think one set of data points rocks, you can’t imagine how much my blood pressure rises when I get to look at two sets of data points intersecting with each other! The only thing more erotic is… Re-engineering Your Operating Ratios – June 2014 Finance 101 The Director