
February 27, 2015

5 Keys to a Successful relationship with your Tax Accountant

In our February issue of AccountAbility (Accounting newsletter renamed), Diane DeClercq gives 5 tips for getting the most out of your relationship with your accountant. Accounting Newsletter February 2015
February 27, 2015

The Key to Advanced Sales

There is only one key to advance sales, and it makes or breaks a sales program: click below to find out more. The Key to Advance Sales – February ACC
February 27, 2015

Why the Funeral Home of the Future will be Small

Erin Whitaker explains why the day of the huge funeral home is coming to an end.  In this management/design article for the ICCFA Magazine she states that funeral homes of the future should invest in smaller but more flexible spaces to meet the changing needs of consumers. Why the Funeral Home of the Future will be Small – ICCFA February 2015 EW
February 27, 2015

Next in Line

In this March Finance 101 column, Dan answers Runit Tilleye Dropover Junior’s questions about leaving his firm to his daughter.  He starts by stating the obvious; passing your firm on to the  next generation requires analysis of the value of the business today and how much you’ll need to be financially independent. Next in Line – Finance 101 – March 2015
February 18, 2015

Bridging the Gap

Erin Whitaker explains how the synergies between funeral service and hospice are stronger than their differences and why we must work together to form a new business relationship for the benefit of the families we both serve. Bridging the Gap – The Director – February 2015 EW
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