January 21, 2016
Cemeteries, even those that benefit from combination ownership, face more challenges than ever these days. We are creating a column for cemeterians that shines a spotlight on a problem and then outlines a corresponding answer or solution. In this first column, Dan responds to a question about how much inventory to have, develop and when?
December 23, 2015
For many years businesses have paid the health insurance premiums for their employees. The IRS extends a deduction for this expense but the rules and conditions are confusing and there are new wrinkles under the market reform provisions. Click here for a summary of the basic rules and what you are no longer allowed to do. Accounting Newsletter December 2015
December 15, 2015
In this month’s Finance 101 column, Isard explains why buying what you don’t need just to get a tax write-off is pure foolishness.
November 19, 2015
Preneed funeral and advance cemetery sales are important to many businesses, but how do you know whether your sales program is taking you where you want to go? The average funeral home can measure its preneed effectiveness by reviewing the 5 ratios Dan discusses in the November ICCFA magazine. Dan also presents 3 metrics for cemeteries.
November 16, 2015
Do you feel attacked by price shopper calls? In the Finance 101 column for the November issue of The Director, Dan explains why Price shoppers present an excellent opportunity to educate people about their options when planning a funeral and to show how your firm rises above the lower-priced others. They are here to stay – Finance 101 – November 2015