Dan Isard

September 9, 2015

Unlocking the Consumer Relationship

Dan Isard interprets five key dynamics of the 2015 NFDA Consumer Awareness and Preferences Survey.  While funeral directors should review the entire survey he focuses on 5 key dynamics: Attendance, Shopping, Choosing a Funeral Home, Religion and Cremation.  According to Dan, these are important trends or awareness points of consumer interaction.
September 9, 2015

The End Goal – Meeting Consumer Needs

In speaking to a colleague recently, the topic of entrepreneurship came up. He remarked that successful entrepreneurs make a decision and do not second-guess themselves. They choose a path and move forward with guts and gusto. Shortly thereafter, I received a call from my sister, who is a regional sales director. A few minutes into our conversation, I made a comment that ended with the phrase, “There is hope.” Her response was, “In the world of sales, hope is not a strategy.” It was barely 8 a.m. and already my mind had been challenged by two poignant thoughts. As I drank my coffee, I reflected on these conversations and how they relate to funeral service. Most of us do not see ourselves as an entrepreneur or salesperson. However, the truth is that we are both. As business owners, we are responsible […]
September 2, 2015

IRS Rules Regarding Gifts/Part 3

In this final series on IRS Rules Regarding Gifts, Diane DeClercq discusses tax deductible issues pertaining to Employee Rewards and Meals and Entertainment. Tax issues with employee awards are complex. For Meals and Entertainment it is important to keep good records and your receipts.
August 18, 2015

Press Release: The Foresight Companies Hires Christopher Farmer

Phoenix, AZ August 18, 2015: Daniel M. Isard, president of The Foresight Companies, LLC announced today that Christopher L. Farmer, long time industry legal expert,  has joined his company as a financial and business management consultant.
August 12, 2015

Employment legislation you need to keep an eye on.

If your job includes hiring or managing employees, you have to keep track of the ever-changing federal, state and municipal laws covering HR practices. Do you know what ‘ban the box’ refers to? Do you know what constitutes discrimination against a pregnant employee? Are you on top of efforts to make sick leave a mandatory benefit?  For the answers to these questions and much more, read Stephanie Ramsey’s article in the August/September issue of  ICCFA Magazine.
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