Market Research

February 26, 2019


A firm has a tremendous advantage if it studies its community and understands that most consumers simply have not yet decided on a funeral provider First Things First Prior to beginning development of any marketing plan, it’s wise to analyze funeral home performance to ensure proper initiative deployment and allocation of financial resources. Consider when you’re not feeling well. Do you visit a physician who only listens to your symptoms and doesn’t perform any diagnostic tests? Interestingly, tests can reveal not only the original source of your symptoms but possibly other and more serious health issues. When was the last time your funeral home underwent a complete financial health assessment? This doesn’t mean a scan of your annual profit and loss statement or year-end balance sheet. Understanding the financial strengths and weaknesses underlying your monthly P&L reports will assist with […]
December 19, 2018

Don’t Get Blindsided

When looking to purchase another firm, a SWOT analysis is a critical step in evaluating your firm’s and your market’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Dear Dan, I recently bought a funeral home in the next town. I think I did everything right. For years, I clipped your articles, and they helped prepare me for the big purchase. I got a business valuation (from a competitor of yours), secured financing by using my existing real estate and the new real estate, and got a Covenant Not to Compete (CNC) with the owner. I assigned the key man who had been there to a CNC as part of his employment agreement and am paying him an extra $10,000 a year for 10 years to promise not to compete. Everything was locked up tight at closing. Since the closing, however, a new […]
December 18, 2018

2020 Vision – Seeing the Future

To successfully move their firms to a secure future, owners must have clarity of vision. Begin by answering these four important questions. Being a successful business owner requires vision, and the clarity of that vision will provide the best chance of success into the future. You must see – or predict – the future and be prepared to address its issues sooner rather than later. You also must communicate your vision for the future to the many stakeholders who rely on your decision-making, some of which are more reliant on your prognostication than others. Your community, employees, lenders/investors and family all have a vested interest in your ability to make good decisions. Of course, you rely on your decision-making as well. Experience is one of the best teachers; it shows you what can happen and the kinds of decisions you […]
December 14, 2018

Starting a Cemetery with No Experience Has Not Gone Well

Dear Dan, About 20 years ago my wife and decided to start a cemetery with two other couples. We knew nothing about the cemetery business before this venture began. We found land and a landscape architect. We hired companies to build some above-ground crypts and niches. We invested some of our cash and borrowed heavily from a local bank. We invested $2 million in 50 acres of land, but due to local ordinances, we can only develop half of our total space. We have 25 acres of land for cemetery use and 25 acres that must be left in its natural condition. From the beginning of this business venture, we have been losing money and sleep. We have not been cash-flow positive in any year. Now, all six of us are retiring and we don’t want the hemorrhaging of cash […]
November 5, 2018

Watch Your Profits Skyrocket

Do you understand why your business has a profit? It is simple math. Revenue, minus Cost of Goods Sold, minus Operating Expenses equals Profit. If profit is as simple as a 3 entry math equation, then why have profits declined 60% or more during the past 30 years of the funeral profession? The simple reason is: profit is simple math but analyzing how to maximize profit is complex. OGR has enlisted Dan Isard’s The Foresight Companies to help its members with The Strategic Business Analysis (“SBA”) that requires heavy analysis. The average profit margin of a funeral home is less than 7%. The average Foresight client profit is anywhere from 28% to 32%. The reason is our deductive intelligent tools that help clients understand their operating metrics, set prices and manage their operations to a revenue and profit goal. Now, […]
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