Dan Isard

May 12, 2014

Why Funeral Directors Should Engage in Aftercare

I would like to explain, in 1,000 words, why funeral directors should engage in aftercare. If I were a contestant on the show, “Name That Tune,” I would tell you I can name that tune in one word: “Because.” Now, I have about 980 more words to elaborate. Because you are the most knowledgeable person on death, dying and grief adjustment. There may be some your equal. Usually those who are promoting themselves as your equal are not your equal. Most ministers only deal with one or two deaths among their congregants in a typical year. The average funeral director makes…
May 12, 2014

The Importance of Asking Why

Deciding When to Use New Technology Before we had “social media” we had “social drinking” and, of course, “social diseases” – that euphemism for those things only bad people got. While technology has surrounded this profession, the last dose of technology this industry universally appreciated was gravity. Today we talk about the new-fangled technology as if every funeral home in America has actually abandoned their push letter message boards. Nope, I am a cynic. I know better. So, when I have to write about “new technology,” I am going old school. To me, all the technological tools available to this profession are wonderful. Some are more wonderful than others. Those that actually work are really super wonderful. Don’t lump me in a class of those funeral curmudgeons that still brag that…
May 6, 2014

A Modest Proposal

the evolution of our profession Over the course of the past three decades I have written hundreds of articles for this profession. This will be the one most subject to ridicule and disdain from this profession. I will tell you that reading this article is going to upset many of you. I am not going to apologize for this modest proposal. Like most change, you may not like it, but let me be the first to raise this concept. In case you were not an English literature major, the title of this article was intentionally chosen. In 1729 Jonathan Swift, the author of “Gulliver’s Travels,” wrote a satirical essay of the same name I have chosen. It was during the time of the Irish potato famine. Swift’s modest proposal was that the Irish eat their children. While the concept is abhorrent, it was dark humor. I am not proposing funeral directors eat their young, but […]
May 1, 2014

Re-engineering Your Overhead

Overhead, a simple component of the profit and loss statement (P&L), comprises every cost your business incurs.  In fact, as you will discover, it comprises all costs, whether deductible or non-deductible.  In fact, it is really more than the deductible and non-deductible items that represent every cost you incur to operate your business. Of course, overhead doesn’t really include…
March 24, 2014

The Design and Redesign of New and Aging Cemeteries

After being around cemeteries from a professional point of view for 30 years, I place them in one of three categories: New Design Historic Design Contemporary Design A New Design cemetery is exactly what the name says: It is a cemetery being created from scratch. We have raw land, we have an idea and we have the risk involved in a new enterprise.
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